← back to events listingCulture and Heritage Studies at the National Print Museum - Guided Tour, Q&A and Coffee Morning 4 March 2025, 10:00am - 12:30pm Event Type Open Day County Dublin Prior Booking Required Please email the Course Coordinator, Elizabeth McCullagh, elizabethmccullagh@nationalprintmuseum.ie to book a place. More Information Elizabeth McCullagh elizabethmccullagh@nationalprintmuseum.ie https://www.nationalprintmuseum.ie/learning/cdetb-cultural-heritage-lti/ There will be a guided tour of the National Print Museum followed by a coffee morning meet and greet with staff and students of the Museum's Culture and Heritage Studies Local Training Initiative and a Q&A. Venue: National Print Museum, Garrison Chapel, Beggars Bush Barracks, Haddington Road, Dublin 4, D04 E0C9