Submit an Event

Get involved in the Adult Learners’ Festival! Host an event, organise a coffee morning, or arrange an information or taster session. Anything that will help people get to know your ‘Everyday Learning Space’! Use the form to register your event and appear on the Festival website.

We will send resources such as posters, pens, flyers, and bookmarks to support the first 100 events registered before 26th February 2024. We will also support the first 50 organisations to register by sending you a €50 voucher, which you can use to buy resources or to support learners.

All events must be free to attend.

Recommended image sizes are 1024 x 632 px for landscape, or 1024 x 1024 px for square. We will supply a Festival image if you don’t have one, or if the dimensions of your image are unsuitable.

dd/mm/yyyy format

hh:mm 24 hour format

hh:mm 24 hour format

Please include a full address - so we can include your location on our map of learning events

Tell us about your event. Who is it for? What will happen? What will attendees learn?

Who should people contact for further information

If 'Yes' please enter the delivery address and contact details

Tick here if you would like to add a duplicate of this event with different dates.